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김홍기 교수

Hong-Gee Kim

주소관악캠퍼스 86-403
Ph.D. The University of Georgia
M.S. The University of Georgia
B.S. Korea University
Professor of Medical Informatics & Director of Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University
CIO, Office of Information systems & Technology, Seoul National University
Cognitive Science and Computer Engineering Departments, Seoul National University

Visiting Scholar,Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, University of Helsinki


Chair, Interdisciplinary Program of Cognitive Science, Seoul National University

Director of Dental Library, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University
Visiting Scholar, Harvard Medical School & Partners Healthcare Systems
Associate Dean of Planning and Coordination, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University
Adjunct Professor, College of Engineering and Informatics, National University of Ireland, Galway

Associate Professor of Management Information Systems, Dankook University, Korea

Fellow, Artificial Intelligence Center, The University of Georgia
Research topics

BiomedicalInformatics, SemanticWeb,OntologyEngineering,KnowledgeRepresentation

Research Projects
September 2020 – present, AI-based Drug recommendation system for anti-cancer drug combination discovery, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
September 2020 – present, Research on Large-scale Medical Knowledge Graphs Generation Model Based on Graph Neural Network, Ministry of Science and Technology ICT
March 2017 – March 2020 Developing biological pathways management platform for data-intensive biology, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
April 2017 – December 2019 Development of drug discovery software based on big data, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
Jun 2016 – May 2017 Develop international standard for drug information meta-service model, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
April 2015 – December 2015 Development of Multi-Domain Ontologies forKnowledgePlatform Construction, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
December 2014 – October 2017 The development of genome analysis research support platform based on linked omics data, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
September 2014 – August 2015 Revolution of Artifacts, Ministry of Education
September 2013 – Present WiseKB: Big Data Based Self-Evolving Knowledge Base and Reasoning Platform, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
September 2013 – April 2014 Structure of the Web Service of College of Dentistry and Strategies for Interoperability with Advanced Systems, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University
July2013 -November2013Development of a Hadoop-based DataStorage for SemanticSensorData, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
May 2013 – November 2013 Research on WoT-based Framework for Medical Device Collaboration and Service Model, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
May 2013 – October 2013 Research on Linking Terminology between Korean Medicine and Western Medicine, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
March 2013 – February 2014 Development of Real-time Linked Data Technology and Knowledge Base for Utilizing Big Data, Korea Communications Commission
June 2012 – December 2012 Development of a Hadoop-based Query Processor for Semantic Sensor Data, Ministry of Knowledge Economy
March2012 – February 2013 Development ofCloud-based Indexing Methods for Linked Data,Korea Communications Commission
March 2011 – February 2012 Development of an Independent Component-based Peta byte-scale Computing Service Platform, Ministry of Knowledge Economy
May 2013 – October 2013 Research on Linking Terminology between Korean Medicine and Western Medicine, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
June 2009 – May 2014 Integrated Frame Technology Development for Digital Hospital Information Systems and Medical Equipment, Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy
March2009 – February2013 Development ofIndependentComponent based Service-OrientedPeta- Scale Computing Platform, Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy
May 2010 – March 2012 A Semantic Web Mashup Platform for Fusion Services of Digital Cultural Contents, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
July 2010 – November 2010 A Study on Verification of TKM Ontology, Korea Institute Of Oriental Medicine
July 2010 – December 2012 Development of Social TV Service Enabler based on Next Generation IPTV Infrastructure, Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy
June 2009 – May 2011 Development of Electronic Library Hub using Library 3.0 Technology, Small and Medium Business
October 2008 – September 2010Curriculum DevelopmentforMedicalInformatics reflecting change oriented knowledge structure,Korea Research Foundation
June 2008 – May 2010 Development of Social Semantic Knowledge Service Platform, Small and Medium Business
June 2008 – February 2009 Development of Semantic Search Agent and Service, Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy
June 2009 – May 2011 Development of Electronic Library Hub using Library 3.0 Technology, Small and Medium Business
December 2006 – November 2008 Semi-Automatic Crawling of Conference Data and Inferring of Scholarly Meanings, Korea Research Foundation
March 2005 – February 2009 Semantic Service Agent technology development for Next Generation Web,Korea Ministry of Information and Telecommunication
November2005 -October2010Ontology-basedinteroperableEHRtechnologyresearch,Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare
December 2004 – November 2005 Ontology based Knowledge Management Technology for Medical Science, Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare
May 2004 – December 2004 DeonticBehavioralControl for Intelligent Robot, Electronic & Telecommunications Research Institute,Korea
March 2004 – February 2005 Non-monotonic Logic based business knowledge representation and processing,Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute,Korea
March 2004 – February 2005 Development of Semantic Web Based TotalInformation Management Platform, HANUL Information INC, Korea
June 2009 – May 2011 Development of Electronic Library Hub using Library 3.0 Technology, Small and Medium Business
March 2003 – April 2005 Ontology based Inference technology for Oriental Medical Knowledge, Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare
January 2001 -November2004 SystemDesign forFlexible Reasoning andLearning,Korea Ministry of Science and Technology
Association of HSV-1 and reduced oral bacteriota diversity with chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in patients undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Journal of clinical medicine 9, no. 4 (2020): 1090, with Pil-Jong Kim et.al.
Transcriptome and methylome analysis of periodontitis and peri-implantitis with tobacco use. Gene 727 (2020): 144258, with Pil-Jong Kim et.al.
Analysis of brain connectivity during nitrous oxide sedation using graph theory. Scientific Reports 10, no. 1 (2020): 1-1, with Pil-Jong Kim et.al.
An organoid biobank of neuroendocrine neoplasms enables genotype-phenotype mapping. Cell 183, no. 5 (2020): 1420-1435, with Ha, Kyungsik et. al.
Somatic mutation landscape reveals differential variability of cell-of-origin for primary liver cancer. Heliyon 6, no. 2 (2020): e03350, with Ha, Kyungsik et. al.
Altered expression of fucosylation pathway genes is associated with poor prognosis and tumor metastasis in non‐small cell lung cancer. International journal of oncology 56, no. 2 (2020): 559- 567, with Jin Muk Lim et. al.
The disturbance in dynamic property in the reconstructed state space during nitrous oxide administration. NeuroReport 30, no. 3 (2019): 162-168, with Pil-Jong Kim et.al.
Multi-channel PINN: investigating scalable and transferable neural networks for drug discovery. Journal of cheminformatics 11, no. 1 (2019): 46, with Munhwan Lee et. al.
Cognitive profiling related to cerebral amyloid beta burden using machine learning approaches. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 11 (2019): 95, with Hyunwoong Ko et. al.
Differential diagnosis of jaw pain using informatics technology. Journal of oral rehabilitation 45, no. 8 (2018): 581-588, with Yoon Nam et. al.
Biological interaction data model development for heterogeneous data integration. The Sixteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference. (2018) 1.15-17, with Junho Park et. al.
A design of DrugBank to BioPAX converter. The Sixteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference. (2018) 1.15-17, with Jinhyun Ahn et. al.
The systematic model of drug repositioning considering disease type and epigenetic features. The Sixteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference. (2018) 1.15-17, with Kyungsik Ha et. al.
Fucosylation pathway genes are associated with patients’ survival late in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. The Sixteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference. (2018) 1.15-17, with Jin- Muk Lim et. al.
Development of user-configurable NGS pipeline system. The Sixteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference. (2018) 1.15-17, with Sung Min Yang et. al.
Predicting compound-protein interaction with neural networks based pairwise model. The Sixteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference. (2018) 1.15-17, with Mun-Hwan Lee et. al.
Transferable neural networks architecture for low data drug discovery. 11th International Conference on Chemical Structures. (2018) 5.27-5.31, with Mun-Hwan Lee et. al.
Research topics and trends in medical education by social network analysis. BMC medical education 18, no. 1 (2018): 222, with Young A Ji et. al.
Integrated semantic model for complex disease network. In Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, (2018) 410-417, with Junho Park et.al.
Semantic navigation of disease-specific pathways: The case of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, (2018) 398-409, with Sung Min Yang et. al.
Building cost-effective model for predicting β-amyloid burden by combination of cortical thickness, volume, and neuropsychological assessment measures. In 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence. (2018) 432-435, with Hyunwoong Ko et. al.
Machine learning approaches for identifying amyloid positivity based on neuropsychological test performance with demographics in nondemented population. Annual Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. (2018) 7.20-26, with Hyunwoong Ko et. al.
A pilot study using machine learning methods about factors influencing prognosis of dental implants. The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics 10, no. 6 (2018): 395-400, with Seung-Ryong Ha et. al.
Constructing faceted taxonomy for heterogeneous entities based on object properties in linked data. Data & Knowledge Engineering 112 (2017): 79-93, with Zong, N. et. al.
Disruption of frontal–parietal connectivity during conscious sedation by propofol administration. Neuroreport 28, no. 14 (2017): 896-902, with Pil-Jong Kim et. al.
Transcriptomics and methylomics in chronic periodontitis with tobacco use: a pilot study. Clinical epigenetics 9, no. 1 (2017): 81, with Young-Dan Cho et. al.
Supporting inter-topic entity search for biomedical Linked Data based on heterogeneous relationships. Computers in biology and medicine 87 (2017): 217-229, with Zong, N. et. al.
Chromatin marks shape mutation landscape at early stage of cancer progression. NPJ genomic medicine 2, no. 1 (2017): 1-8, with Kyungsik Ha et. al.
A dynamic and parallel approach for repetitive prime labeling of XML with MapReduce. The Journal of Supercomputing 73, no. 2 (2017): 810-836, with Jinhyun Ahn, et. al.
Dishevelled segment polarity protein 3 (DVL3): a novel and easily applicable recurrence predictor in localised prostate adenocarcinoma. BJU international 120, no. 3 (2017): 343-350, with Pil-Jong Kim et. al.
xStore: Federated temporal query processing for large scale RDF triples on a cloud environment. Neurocomputing 256 (2017): 5-12, with Jinhyun Ahn et. al.
Disruption of frontal–parietal connectivity during conscious sedation by propofol administration. Neuroreport 28, no. 14 (2017): 896-902. with Pil-Jong Kim et al.
Investigating the effects of nitrous oxide sedation on frontal-parietal interactions. Neuroscience Letters 651 (2017): 9-15, with Ji-Ho Ryu et al.
Extending DUDES for ranked template generation. The 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference. (2017) 11.10-12, with Hyunwhan Joe et al.
Formation of information need as a questioning: a conceptual representation for semantic web based QA system. The 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference. (2017) 11.10-12, with Yongju Lee et al.
Graph-based entity linking using shortest path. The 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference. (2017) 11.10-12, with Yongsun Shim et al.
A method for building ontology property explanations. The 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference. (2017) 11.10-12, with Sungkwon Yang et al.
Question answering as a language-game. The 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference. (2017) 11.10-12, with Sueun Jang et al.
Structuralizing biomedical abstracts with discriminative linguistic features. Computers in biology and medicine 79 (2016): 276-285, with Sejin Nam et. al.
The improvement and completion of outcome index: a new assessment system for quality of orthodontic treatment. The korean journal of orthodontics 46, no. 4 (2016): 199-211, with Mihee Hong et. al.
A MapReduce-based approach for prefix-based labeling of large XML data, The 6th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference. ( 2016) 11.2-4, with Jinhyun Ahn et. al.
BiDIP: A biological data integration platform for transcriptome analysis, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Biomedical Data Integration and Discovery (2016) 10.17-21, with Junho Park et. al.
Optimizationtechniques for 2-hoplabelingof dynamicdirectedacyclic graphs. Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium at the 15th International Semantic Web Conference. (2016) 10.17-21, with Jinhyun Ahn
Parallel prime number labeling of large XML data using mapreduce, 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (2016) 9.26-29, with Jinhyun Ahn et. al.
Aligning ontologies with subsumption and equivalence relations in Linked Data. Knowledge- Based Systems 76 (2015): 30-41, with Zong, N. et. al.
Discovering expansion entities for keyword-based entity search in linked data. Journal of Information Science 41, no. 2 (2015): 209-227. with Zong N. et. al.
Usefulness of permutation entropy as an anesthetic depth indicator in children. Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics 42, no. 2 (2015): 123-134, with Pil-Jong Kim et. al.
Prediction of the need for orthognathic surgery in patients with cleft lip and/or palate. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 26, no. 4 (2015): 1159-1162, with Heon-Mook Park et. al.
SigMR: MapReduce-based SPARQL query processing by signature encoding and multi-way join. The Journal of Supercomputing 71, no. 10 (2015): 3695-3725, with Jinhyun Ahn et. al.
FARM: An FCA-based association rule miner. Knowledge-Based Systems 85 (2015): 277-297, with Eung-Hee Kim et. al.
FARM: An FCA-based association rule miner. Knowledge-Based Systems 85 (2015): 277-297, with Eung-Hee Kim et. al.
Development of a cervical cancer progress prediction tool for human papillomavirus-positive Koreans: A support vector machine-based approach. Journal of International Medical Research 43, no. 4 (2015): 518-525, with Jimin Kahng et. al.
A study on protein networks visualization using dynamic infographics, Journal of Design Convergence Study 14 no.2, (2015): 89-104, with Ye Eun Kim et al.
Evaluation of electrical impedance ratio measurements in accuracy of electronic apex locators. Restorative dentistry & endodontics 40, no. 2 (2015): 113-122. with Pil-Jong Kim et al.
The BirdMan: hybrid perception, Digital Creativity 26, no. 1 (2015): 56-64, Jeong Han Kim et al.
Functional manipulation of dendritic cells by photoswitchable generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species. ACS chemical biology 10, no. 3 (2015): 757-765. with Taek-Chin Cheong et al.
A design of federated SPARQL engine for temporal query processing. The 2015 World Congress on Information Technology Application and Services, (2015) 2.24-26, with Jinhyun Ahn et. al.
A model for explaining ontology properties based on PropBank. The 5th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, (2015) 11. 11-13, with Sungkwon Yang et al.
Modelling mutation analysis for epigenomics with planning and semantics. The 5th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, (2015) 11. 11-13, with Gayathri Nadarajan et al.
Integration of PPIs database using PSI-MI format. The 24th KOGO Annual Conference (2015) 9.9-11, with Jun-Ho Park et al.
User modeling, adaptation, and personalization. In Proc. 23rd International Conf., UMAP. (2015). with Harshit Kumar et. al.
Prediction model for health-related quality of life of elderly with chronic diseases using machine learning techniques. Healthcare informatics research 20, no. 2 (2014): 125-134, with Soo-Kyoung Lee et. al.
Exploiting social bookmarking services to build clustered user interest profile for personalized search. Information Sciences 281 (2014): 399-417, with Harshit Kumar et. al.
STEP: An ontology-based smart clinical document template editing and production system. Expert Systems with applications 41, no. 6 (2014): 3005-3015, with Sejin Nam et. al.
G-Diff: A grouping algorithm for RDF change detection on MapReduce, The 4th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, (2014): 11.9-11, with Jinhyun Ahn et. al.
A network perspective on unraveling the role of TRP channels in biology and disease. Pflügers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 466, no. 2 (2014): 173-182. with Jung Nyeo Chun et. al.
Application of the water subtraction algorithm in determining the degree of conversion of self- etching adhesives. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 15, no. 6 (2013): 527-534, with Pil-Jong Kim et. al.
Predictors of medication adherence in elderly patients with chronic diseases using support vector machine models. Healthcare informatics research 19, no. 1 (2013): 33-41. with Soo Kyoung Lee et. al.
Adverse drug event mining using mobile phone, International Conference on ICT Convergence, (2013) 10.14-16, with Hyeon Sung Cho et. al.
Federating heterogeneous biological resources on the web: A case study on TRP channel ontology construction, The 3rd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, (2013) 11.28-30, with Se-Jin Nam et. al.
Acomparison ofunsupervised taxonomical relationship induction approaches forbuilding ontology in RDF resources, The 3rd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, (2013) 11.28-30, with Nansu Zong et. al.
TRIP database 2.0: a manually curated information hub for accessing TRP channel interaction network. PloS one 7, no. 10 (2012), with Young-Cheul Shin et. al.
A social inverted index for social-tagging-based information retrieval. Journal of Information Science 38, no. 4 (2012): 313-332., with Kang-Pyo Lee et. al.
Shared decision support system on dental restoration. Expert Systems with Applications 39, no. 14 (2012): 11775-11781. with Seon Gyu Park et. al.
The development of medical record items: a user-centered, bottom-up approach. Healthcare informatics research 18, no. 1 (2012): 10-17. with YoungAh Kim et. al.
An ontological approach to partnership establishment. Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal 14, no. 5 (2011): 1803-1824. with Harshit Kumar et. al.
Ontology-based reusable clinical document template production system. Studies in health technology and informatics 180 (2012): 677-682. with Sejin Nam et. al.
Dynamic generation of concepts hierarchies for knowledgediscovering inbio-medical linkeddata sets, ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (2012) 2.20-22, with Nansu Zong et. al.
A hypergraph-based storage policy for RDF version management system, 2012, ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (2012) 2.20-22, with Dong-Hyuk Im et. al.
Using folksonomies for building user interest profile. In International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, (2011): 438-441. Springer, with Harshit Kumar
Link-Diff: Change detection tool for linked data using MapReduce framework, The 1st International Workshop on Big data for Knowledge Engineering in The 2nd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, (2012) 12.2-4, with Dong-Hyuk Im et. al.
MixRank: A framework for personalized linked data search, The 1st International Workshop on Big data for Knowledge Engineering in The 2nd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, (2012) 12.2-4, with Nansu Zong et. al.
Facial emotion recognition using k-NN and SVM, FallConference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Pyungchang, Korea, (2012) 11.1-2, with Sangsup Choi et. al.
The role of TRP channel interactome in prostate cancer, Translational Bioinformatics Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, (2012) 10.13, with Jin-Muk Lim et. al.
Transitive regulation of TRP Channels by microRNAs, KOGO Annual Conference (2012) 9.13- 14, with Jung Nyeo Chun et. al.
A comprehensive manually curated protein–protein interaction database for the death domain superfamily. Nucleic acids research 40, no. D1 (2012): D331-D336, with Dongseop Kwon et. al.
OntoPipeliner: An ontology-based automatic semantic service pipeline generator. Expert Systems with Applications 38, no. 8 (2011): 9472-9482, with Sungin Lee et. al.
A FCA-based approach for enriching users’ knowledge. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, (2011) 318-323, with Eung-Hee Kim et. al.
WeBook: An information retrieval service based-on semantic knowledge structures for learners, Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Web Technologies and Internet Applications (2011) 3.14-15, with Mina Song et. al.
Relationship-based interactive query expansion, Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Web Technologies and Internet Applications (2011) 3.14-15, with Sungkwon Yang et. al.
User profile construction for recommendation system with use of social web, Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Web Technologies and Internet Applications (2011) 3.14-15, with Hyun Namgoong et. al.
Analysis of user interactions in online social networks, In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, (2011) 1-2,withSeokchan Yun et. al.
Query-based association rule mining supporting user perspective. Computing 93, no. 1 (2011): 1, with SeungJae Song et. al.
Integrating tagging into the web of data: Overview and combination of existing tag ontologies. The Journal of Internet Technology (2011), with H.L. Kim et. al.
Mining and representing user interests: The case of tagging practices. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans 41, no. 4 (2011): 683-692. with Hak-Lae Kim et. al.
Knowledge structure of Korean medical informatics: A social network analysis of articles in journal and proceedings. Healthcare informatics research 16, no. 1 (2010): 52-59. with Senator Jeong et. al.
Intellectual structure of biomedical informatics reflected in scholarly events. Scientometrics 85, no. 2 (2010): 541-551, with Senator Jeong et. al.
SEDE: An ontology for scholarly event description. Journal of Information Science 36, no. 2 (2010): 209-227, with Senator Jeong et. al.
Query-based association rule mining supporting user perspective. Computing 93, no. 1 (2011): 1, with SeungJae Song et. al.
GOClonto: An ontological clustering approach for conceptualizing PubMed abstracts. Journal of biomedical informatics 43, no. 1 (2010): 31-40, with Hai-Tao Zheng et. al.
Building a partnership ontology for supplier selection, Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (2010) 10.27-30, with Harshit Kumar et. al.
Comparison oflogistic regression and support vector machine methods for the prediction of scaling experience, poster presented at International Congress of Periodentology (2010) 11.27- 28, with Hee-Jung Park et. al.
National medical terminology server in Korea, The First International Conference on Securityenriched Urban Computing and Smart Grid. (2010) 12.15-17, with Sungin Lee et. al.
Ontological approach to clinical recording and form generation: A proof of concept. The 13th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (2010) 12.12-15, with Senator Jeong et. al.
LexCareSuite: Koreannationalterminology server for interoperableEHR.The 13thWorld Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (2010) 12.12-15, with Sungin Lee et. al.
Enhanced mapping method for medical terminology. The 13thWorldCongress on Medical and Health Informatics (2010) 12.12-15, with Seungjae Song et. al.
Improvingtheworkflowof semanticwebportalsusingM/Rincloudplatform,International Conference onKnowledgeEngineering andOntology Development (2010), withSeokchanYun et. al.
Mitigation of large-scale RDF data loading with the employment of a cloud computing service, International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (2010), with HyunNamgoong et. al.
WeBook: A information retrieval service based-on semantic knowledge structures for learners, HCIKorea (2010), with Mina Song et. al.
An approachof user profile construction for recommendation system with use of social websites, HCIKorea (2010), with Hyun Namgung et. al.
Relationship-based query expansion for movie contents search, HCIKorea (2010), with Sungkwon Yang et. al.
National medical terminology server in Korea, The First International Conference on Securityenriched Urban Computing and Smart Grid. (2010) 12.15-17, with Sungin Lee et. al.
Application of support vector machine for prediction of medication adherence in heart failure patients. Healthcare informatics research 16, no. 4 (2010): 253-259, with Youn-Jung Son et. al.
Exploiting corpus‐related ontologies for conceptualizing document corpora. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60, no. 11 (2009): 2287-2299. with Hai-Tao Zheng et. al.
Exploiting noun phrases and semantic relationships for text document clustering. Information Sciences 179, no. 13 (2009): 2249-2262 with Hai-TaoZheng et. al.
Improving coursework for web engineering based on MVC pattern. (2009), with Seok Chan Yun et. al.
Prognosis prediction for class III malocclusion treatment by feature wrapping method. The Angle Orthodontist 79, no. 4 (2009): 683-691, with Bo-Mi Kim et. al.
Two-phase chief complaint mapping to the UMLS metathesaurus in Korean electronic medical records. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 13, no. 1 (2008): 78-86. with Bo Yeong Kang et. al.
Are you an invited speaker? A bibliometric analysis of elite groups for scholarly events in bioinformatics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60, no. 6 (2009): 1118-1131. with S. Jeong et. al.
Personal knowledge management for knowledge workers using social semantic technologies. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 3, no. 1 (2009): 28-43. with H.L. Kim et. al.
Analysis and representation of tagging practices in online communities. In AAAI Spring Symposium: Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0, (2009) 59-64. with H.L. Kim et. al.
STAN: social, trusted annotation network. In Asian Semantic Web Conference, Springer, (2008) 272-286. with Namgoong, H. et. al.
The state of the art in tag ontologies: a semantic model for tagging and folksonomies. In International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, (2008) 128-137. with Hak LaeKim et. al.
Exploiting gene ontology to conceptualize biomedical document collections, Proceedings of Asian Semantic Web Conference (2009) with H. T. Zheng et. al.
int. ere. st: Building a tag sharing service with the SCOT ontology. In AAAI Spring Symposium: Social Information Processing, (2008) 42-47. with H. L. Kim et. al.
Social semantic cloud of tag: Semantic model for social tagging. In KES International Symposium on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications (2008) 83-92. with H. L. Kim et. al.
On development of an automatic tool to support logical scaling in Formal Concept Analysis, Applications and Principles of Information Science, (2009) with E. H. Kim et. al.
An ontology-based approach to learnable focused crawling. Information Sciences 178, no. 23 (2008): 4512-4522. with H. T. Zheng et. al.
A concept-driven automatic ontology generation approach for conceptualization of document corpora. In 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, vol. 1, (2008) 352-358. with H. T.Zheng et. al.
Social semantic cloud of tag: Semantic model for social tagging. In KES International Symposium on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, pp. 83-92. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2008). with Kim, H. L. et. al.
On development of an automatic tool for extracting association rules of a user query using Formal Concept Analysis. The KIPS Transactions: PartD 15, no. 3 (2008): 429-440. Kim, E.H et. al.
Learnable focused crawling based on ontology. In Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, (2008) 264-275. with Hai-tao Zheng et. al.
OntoCA: An ontology-based clinical annotation system. Paper presented at the Korean Medical Infomatics Conference, Korea, (2007) with Hai-Tao Zheng et. al.
Ontology-based focused crawling using neural network. Paper presented at the The 19th Annual Korean Conference of Human Language Technology (2007). with Hai-Tao Zheng et. al.
An ontology-based bayesian network approach for representing uncertainty in clinical practice guidelines. In Uncertainty reasoning for the semantic web I (2006) 161-173. with Hai-Tao Zheng et. al.
Ontology-based controlled natural language editor using CFG with lexical dependency. In The Semantic Web, (2007) 353-366. with Namgoong, H.
Simple algorithms for representing tag frequencies in the SCOT exporter. In 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’07). (2007) 536-539. with Kim, H.L et. al.
Narrative information processing based on controlled natural language in EMR systems. International Journal of Medical Informatics, (2007). with Ha, B.H. et. al.
Web page filtering for domain ontology with the context of concept. IEICE transactions on information and systems 90, no. 5 (2007): 859-862. with Kang, B. Y.
Tooth positional ontology represented in OWL. In Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics; Building Sustainable Health Systems, (2007) 2288. with Park, S. G. et. al.
Open platform for a longitudinal study in dental implant. In Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics; Building Sustainable Health Systems, (2007) 2273. with Namgoong, H. et. al.
Tag mediated society with SCOT ontology. Paper presented at the 5th Semantic Web Challenge Workshop at The 6th International Semantic Web Conference (2007). with Hak Lae Kim et. al.
Personal document system using semantic web and ontology technologies. Korean Institute of CALS/EC, 12(2). (2007) with Hak Lae Kim.
An interactive shared decision making system for dental treatment planning. In Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics; Building Sustainable Health Systems, (2007) 2535. with Choi, H. C. et. al.
FCA-based approach for mining contextualized folksonomy. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (2007) 1340-1345. with Kim, L et. al.
An agent environment for contextualizing folksonomies in a triadic context. In KES International Symposium on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, (2007) 728-737. with Hwang, S.H et. al.
Semantically enhanced event description, 5th Annual Conference on Teaching & Learning: Learning Technologies, (2007) with Jeong , S et. al.
WANT: A personal knowledge management system on social software agent technologies.In KES International Symposium on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications (2007) 785-794. with Hak Lae Kim et. al.
Concept analysis of OWL ontology based on the context family model. In 2007 International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (2007) 896-901. with Dong Soon Kim et. al.
Scaling of many-valued context with FCA-Wizard, The 5th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Information Technology, (2006) 135-138, with Choi, H. et. al.
Classification and conceptualization of clinical documents using formal concept analysis. Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics 12, no. 1 (2006): 31-43. with Kim, M.K. et. al.
A data-driven approach to constructing an ontological concept hierarchy based on the formal concept analysis. In International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, (2006) 937-946. with Hwang, S. H. et. al.
Development of a clinical decision support system using formal concept analysis. In Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, (2006) 407-410. with Kang, Y. K. et. al.
Development of a FCA-based clinical decision support system for the cephalometric analysis in the orthodontics field, Journal of Korean society of Medical Informatics, Vol.12, 1: ( 2 0 0 6 ) 17-20, with Kang, Y. K. et. al.
On developing OWL Analyzer based on Formal Concept Analysis. In Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, (2006) 7-10, with Kim, D. S. et. al.
Design of semantically interoperable adverse event reporting framework. In Asian Semantic Web Conference, (2006). 588-594 Jeong, S.
Ontology based adverse event reporting system architecture. In World library And information congress: 72nd ifla general conference and council, vol. 12, (2006) 17-20.with Jeong, S.
Design of semantically interoperable adverse event reporting framework. In Asian Semantic Web Conference, (2006) 588-594
Ontology based adverse event reporting system architecture. In World library And information congress: 72nd ifla general conference and council, vol. 12, (2006) 17-20.with Jeong, S.
Ontology based adverse event reporting system architecture. In World library And information congress: 72nd ifla general conference and council, vol. 12, (2006) 17-20.with Jeong, S.
Dental decision making on missing tooth represented in an ontology and rules. In Asian Semantic Web Conference, (2006) 322-328. with Park, S.G.
A pragmatic view on developing a tool for ontology integration. Asia Semantic Web Conference International Conference. (2006) with Hong-Gee Kim.
The development of an automatic tool for Formal Concept Analysis and its applications on medical domain. The KIPS Transactions: PartD 13, no. 7 (2006): 997-1008. with Yu-Kyung Kang, et. al.
On developing OWL Analyzer based on Formal Concept Analysis. In Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, pp. 7-10. Korea Information Processing Society, 2006. with Dong Soon Kim et. al.
Document filtering for domain ontology based on concept preferences. In Asian Semantic Web Conference, (2006) 377-386. with Kang, B. Y.
Research and development efforts aimed at implementing electronic health record systems with interoperability and patient safety. Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics 12, no. 2 (2006): 115-132. with Kim, Y. et. al.
A semantic annotation tool to extract instances from Korean web documents, Proceedings of 1st Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop of 5th International Semantic Web Conference. (2006) with Hai-tao, Z. et. al.
Translating documents into semantic documents using semantic web and web2.0, Proceedings of 1st Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop of 5th International Semantic Web Conference. (2006) with Kim, H.L. et. al.
A pragmatic view on developing a tool for ontology integration, In Proceeding of Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools of 1st Asia Semantic Web Conference International Conference, (2006) with Hai-Tao, Z.
The Development of an Automatic Tool for Formal Concept Analysis and its Applications on Medical Domain. The KIPS Transactions: PartD 13, no. 7 (2006): 997-1008. with Kang, Y. K. et. al.
How semantic desktop and web2.0 can help personal knowledge management?. 1st Asia Semantic WebConference International Conference (2006) withKim, H. L. et. al.
Semantic documentation using semantic web technologies and social web services. In International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, (2006) 27-32. with Kim, H. L. et. al.
Ontology based adverse event reporting system architecture. In World library And information congress: 72nd ifla general conference and council, vol. 12, (2006) 17-20. with Jeong, S.
Development of a FCA tool for building conceptual hierarchy of clinical data. Journal of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics 11, no. S2 (2005): 71-76. with Kang, Y.K. et. al.
An ontology-based pathology reporting system, Journal of Korean society of Medical Informatics, vol.11 (2005):41-45, with Lee, J. I. et. al.
Development of a tool for Formal Concept Analysis. Journal of Software Engineering 8, no. 12 (2005): 47-56. with Kang, Y.K. et. al.
Ontology-based health information query system on relational database management system. Journal of Korean society of Medical Informatics, Vol.11 (2005): 25-28. with Kim, D. B. et. al.
A FCA-based ontology construction for the design of class hierarchy. In International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, (2005) 827-835. Hwang, S. H. et. al.
A FCA-based Conceptualization of Medical Documents. Journal of Korean Society of Medical informatics 11, no. 1 (2005): 53-3. with Hwang, S. et. al.
A multi-layered application for the gross description using semantic web technology. International journal of medical informatics 74, no. 5 (2005): 399-407. with Ha, B. H. et. al.
Ontolgy-based personal document management & retrieval systems, In 10th international Conference: Cybernetics and information Technologies,(2004) 216-218. with Kim, H.L.
Developing an easy tool for ontology integration. In 9th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference and Global Electronic Business Research Center (2004) with H. Zheng.
Ontalk: ontology-based personal document management system. In Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate track papers & posters, (2004) 420-421. with Hak Lae Kim et. al.
Building an ontology for integrating construction information systems. Korean Journal of E- Commerce, in press. (2004) with Hak Lae Kim.
Markup languages, Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer lnteracion, Berkshire Publishing:449- 452, (2004)
Semanticwebservices,IndstrialEngineeringMagazing, 11(2):42-46,(2004)
Building an ontology based on the unified construction information classification system. The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies 9, no. 3 (2004): 95-112. with Kim, H.L.
An easy tool for ontology integration, 9th APDSI Conference (Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (2004) with Hai-Tao Zheng.
Intelligent ontology-based personal document management & retrieval system, Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (2004) with Kim, H.L. et. al.
Ontology-based electronic document retrieval, Proceeding of KIIS Conference on Focal Motive Power for the Growth and Intelligent Information Technology (2004) with Kim, H.L.
Intelligent ontology-based personal document management & retrieval system, Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (2004) with Kim, H.L. et. al.
Extension of service description in semantic web language, The Journal Korean Institute of CALS/EC, Vol. 8 (2003):113-129, with Kim, H.L.
Artificial intelligence and its applications: The study of business knowledge processing using deontic logic, In Proceedings of Fall Annual Conference for The Korea Society of Management Information Systems, (2003):737-743, with Park, E.J.
Semantic web technologies for ubiquitous services, In Proceeding of 29th International KMIS Conference on Informatization in Ubiquitous Computing Era, (2003) 31-35, with Kim, H.L.
Implementation of document retrieval system based ontology using RQL, In Proceeding of 29th International KMIS Conference on Informatization in Ubiquitous Computing Era, ( 2 0 0 3 ) 36- 41, with Kim, D.B. et. al.
The present and future for digital management: Methodology and strategy for implementation of RossetNet, In Proceedings of Fall Annual Conference for The Korea Society of Management Information Systems, (2002) 1053-1060,with Shin, G.H.
Evaluating UML and conceptual graph as ontology modeling frameworks, In Proceedings of 27th International KMIS Conference on Re-Shaping of e-Business: Challenges and Opportunities (2002): 396-401, with Kim, H.L
Semantic webbasede-Business interoperability. In26thKMISConferenceone-Government and e- Biz Strategy toward the global leadership, (2002) with Kim, H.L.

An evaluation-based knowledge management system for managing dynamic knowledge,
Korean Society For Information Management, Vol.19 (2002) 109-130, with Shin. G. H.

The present and future for digital management: Methodology and strategy for implementation of RossetNet, In Proceedings of Fall Annual Conference for The Korea Society of Management Information Systems, (2002) 1053-1060,with Shin, G.H.
Role of meta-knowledge in knowledge management, IE Interfaces, Vol 13 (2000): 10-16
Perspectival knowledge representation and dynamic reasoning, Proceedings of Korean Society for Cognitive Science, (1999): 383-389
Formalizing perspectival defeasible reasoning, In the 30th Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Vol 5 347-353,
A psychologically plausible logical model of conceptualization. Minds and Machines 7, no. 2 (1997): 249-267.
Invited Talks
Semantic Technologies to Manage and Link Biomedical Ontologies and Data, The Second Chinese Semantic Web Symposium, 2008.
Ontology Technologies for Semantically Interoperable EHR, KCC 2007 ILVB Workshop, Mujoo, Korea, June 2007.
Methodology for Connection and Convergence of Information Resources using Semantic Grid, Work- shop on Perspectives and Principles on Ontology Modeling, KISTI, Daejeon, Korea, July 2007.
Semantic Web 2.0, Workshop on Research Group for Intelligent U-Logistics Technology, Brain Korea 21, In-Ha University, Incheon, Korea, April 2007.
Welcome Speech, Semantic Web 2.0 Conference, Seoul, Korea, February 2007.
Principles for Ontology Modeling, 1st Workshop on the Language-Neutral Ontology, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, August 2006.
Knowledge Representation in Health Informatics, Spring Annual Conference for the Korean Society ofMedicalInformatics, Seoul,Korea, June 2006.
Semantic Desktop & Social Network, Next Generation WebInternational Conference, Seoul, Korea, March2006.
A Networked Semantic Desktop: A New Paradigm of Knowledge Management, 1st Workshop on Semantic WebBusiness, Seoul,Korea, June 2006.
Semantic Interoperability,SpringAnnualConference for theKoreanSociety ofMedicalInformatics, Seoul,Korea, June2005.
Tools for Medical Ontology, HL7 Korea, Busan University, Busan, Korea, December 2005.
Invited Talks
Editor in Chief, Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
Editorial Board, Journal of Web Semantics
Editorial Board,Healthcare InformaticsResearch
Korean Society of Medical Informatics, Chair of Educational Committee
Korean Society of Medical Informatics, Chair of Research committee
WHO-FIG Korean Delegate
ISO JTCTC1SC34(Digital Contents) committee
ISO TC215 (Health Informatics) committee
East Web Steering Committee
OASIS SEE(Semantic Execution Environment) TC committee
Member of the W3C RIF(rule Information Format) Working Group
EHR Standard Working Group Committee, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Korean Society for MedicalInformatics
Korean Society for Cognitive Science Korean Society for Information Science
Korean Society for ManagementInformation Systems
Vice Program Chair, International Semantic Web Conference 2007
Chair, Joint International Semantic Techology Conference, JIST 2011
Chair, The 1st International Workshop on the Trend and Future of Web Science, TFWS2011 Track
Chair, 4th Asian Semantic Web Conference, ASWC 2009
Chair, The 6th International Conference on Social Software, BlogTalk 2009
Chair, ASWC2008 Workshop for Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences, ASWC-HCLS 2008
PC member, 10th International Semantic Web Conference-Posters and Demos, ISWC11-PD
PC member, Special Issue of JWS on Reasoning, with Context in the Semantic Web, SI-JWS-11 PC
member, 1st Asian Workshop on Social Computing and Web Sci
PC member, 1st Workshop on Knowledge Management,with Web 3.0, KM-WEB3 09
PC member, 7th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2008
PC member, Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup Workshop 2008, SAAKM 2008
PC member, Social Web and Knowledge Management at WWW 2008, SWKM08
PC member, 17th International World Wide Web Conference, WWW2008
PC member, Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup Workshop, SAAKM 2007